My Design Odyssey
From Trainer
to Evangelist

Forget dusty classrooms and rote memorization. My design passion started with a spark – the fire of sharing knowledge. Fresh out of college, I wasn't just armed with design skills, I had a mission: to empower others with the same creative vision.

My journey began as a problem-solving trainer, dissecting challenges and building elegant solutions. But design soon beckoned, its visual language resonating with my soul. I dived headfirst into UI/UX, and with each lesson, I saw eyes light up, understanding dawning.

3,000 students and counting.

That's the impact I've woven, thread by thread, through 300 masterclasses across *online platforms and universities. Not just teaching – I ignited conversations, sparked debates, and fostered communities.

Served as the Chief Guest at Chitkara University, where I presented and discussed the intersection of AI and Design. Explored how AI is reshaping the UI/UX domain, offering valuable perspectives to the students.

Design isn't just pixels and code. It's a language of empathy, storytelling, and problem-solving. And I'm not just a designer; I'm a design evangelist, spreading the gospel of good design, one inspired mind at a time.

But this is just the beginning. Join me on this journey, where design thinking doesn't just shape pixels, it shapes the world.