

Our goal is to enhance the freight forwarding experience by tackling common issues faced by traditional freight forwarders. Shippage aims to streamline rate distribution, eliminate quoting delays, simplify paperwork, and address other challenges in the industry. Additionally, the stakeholder emphasises the importance of a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and does not require vertical scrolling.


I developed a minimalist and user-friendly solution that effectively addresses the challenge of accommodating all necessary components within a single screen without the need for scrolling. While the current solution is straightforward, I recognize potential areas for improvement and believe there are opportunities to create an even more refined and enhanced user experience.

The Overview


In this project, I served as the product designer, driving the user experience through a comprehensive approach. My responsibilities encompassed conducting user and stakeholder interviews to gain valuable insights, performing competitive analysis to understand the market landscape, and conducting usability testing to ensure a seamless and intuitive product experience. With these research-driven methodologies, I crafted an optimised design that aligned with user needs and preferences while meeting the expectations of stakeholders.

The Discovery

Our Target Market:

The target market for Shippage encompasses forwarders and logistics professionals seeking a user-friendly and efficient digital solution. This target market includes small to large-scale freight forwarders and logistics companies who prioritise quick access to rates, cost savings, data-driven decision-making, and a seamless client experience. By addressing the specific needs and pain points of this target market, my design solution for Shippage aims to empower forwarders to optimize their operations, increase sales, make informed choices, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Market Analysis:

Shippage operates in a competitive logistics market that demands efficient digital solutions. Conventional freight forwarders face challenges with rate distribution, quoting delays, and paperwork. Shippage aims to differentiate by offering a user-friendly platform.

Competitive analysis shows existing players lacking simplicity, speed, and data-driven features. Shippage targets forwarders seeking cost savings, data insights, increased sales, and client satisfaction.The market trends favour digital transformation and innovative logistics solutions. Shippage can capitalise on this by providing a modern, intuitive interface that meets evolving needs.

In summary, Shippage has opportunities in a market seeking streamlined logistics solutions, with potential to surpass competitors by offering user-centric design, speed, and data-driven features.

The Competition:

Shippage is a digital platform that connects freight forwarders with shipping providers and streamlines the rate quotation process. Let's analyse its competitors and outline their pros and cons:


  • User-friendly interface for rate comparison and booking.
  • Extensive network of shipping providers, offering a wide range of options.
  • Integrated tracking and real-time shipment updates.
  • User-friendly interface for rate comparison and booking.
  • Extensive network of shipping providers, offering a wide range of options.
  • Integrated tracking and real-time shipment updates.


  • Robust cost optimisation algorithms for finding the most efficient shipping routes.
  • Consolidation services to reduce costs for bulk shipments.
  • Advanced reporting and analytics tools for data-driven decision making.
  • Complex user interface that may require a learning curve.
  • Limited network of shipping providers, potentially leading to fewer options.
  • Higher transaction fees, impacting the overall cost savings.

The Process

The Problem:

As a UX Designer, I play a crucial role in this project. My responsibility is to design and create a seamless user experience for Shippage. By conducting user research, analysing user behaviour, and collaborating with the development team, I will develop a deep understanding of the users' needs and translate them into intuitive and visually appealing design solutions. Through wire-framing, prototyping, and iterative testing, I will ensure the final product meets the objectives and provides a delightful user experience.

Problem statement:

User Persona:

Alex Thompson

38 yrs old | San Diego, California | Freight Forwarder

Alex has been working as a freight forwarder for over 10 years. He is experienced in managing international shipments and dealing with various shipping providers. Alex often struggles with the time-consuming process of obtaining rates from different providers and comparing them efficiently. He values platforms that provide transparency, cost-saving opportunities, and a seamless client experience.

  • Streamline rate comparison process for time efficiency.
  • Access real-time information and transparent cost breakdowns.
  • Find cost-saving opportunities.
  • Improve client experience with a user-friendly platform.
Pain Points
  • Time-consuming rate comparison.
  • Lack of transparency in the freight forwarding process.
  • Limited cost-saving opportunities.
  • Inefficient client experience.

Product Design:

As I have applied design thinking to the product design, a comprehensive 5-step design process that I follow to deliver exceptional user experiences. This proven methodology allows me to approach projects systematically, ensuring thorough research, effective problem-solving, and seamless execution.
This is the Design Process followed for this project

Early Sketches:

User Flow:

The Shippage app prioritises a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to navigate between screens and access key features effortlessly. The user flow is designed to minimise friction and provide a smooth and efficient experience, empowering users to manage their shipments with confidence and convenience.
This is the user flow for the Shippage project


The UX design process for the Shippage app involved extensive discussions with stakeholders to exchange ideas and gather insights. These concepts were then translated into digital wireframes, allowing us to effectively organize and manage large volumes of complex data.During the UX phase, we focused on streamlining and reorganizing the five key stages for a freight forwarder: Search, Quote, Book, Track, and Manage. Through careful wireframe design, we ensured that each stage seamlessly flowed into the next, providing a cohesive and intuitive user experience.

Typography and Colour:

Helvetica font Display
The choice of Helvetica as the primary typography for Shippage brings a timeless and versatile aesthetic to the brand. Known for its clean lines and legibility, Helvetica exudes a sense of clarity, simplicity, and modernity. Its neutral appearance allows for easy readability and consistency throughout the app, enhancing the overall user experience.
Shippage Colour palette
The colour palette for Shippage revolves around #065C7A, a deep blue shade representing trust, reliability, and stability. This colour instills confidence and creates a sense of security as users navigate the app. Complemented by the light aqua tone of #E6F4F1, the palette adds vibrancy and tranquility, contributing to a visually engaging and harmonious user interface. The colour combination helps highlight important elements and calls to action, ensuring a visually captivating and efficient user experience.


The Shippage app utilises simple and direct icons inspired by real-life objects. These icons are designed to be easily recognisable and relatable to users, enhancing the app's usability. By incorporating familiar references, the icons communicate their intended actions or features in a clear and intuitive manner. The simplicity of the icons ensures legibility, even at small sizes, providing a clean and uncluttered visual representation for seamless navigation and interaction within the app.
Shippage - iconography

High Fidelity Prototype:

The high fidelity prototype for Shippage, created using Figma, showcases the visually refined and interactive experience of the app. With attention to detail in typography, colour, and iconography, the prototype accurately represents features like rate searching, quote generation, shipment booking, tracking, and logistics management.

The Outcome

Learning and Outcome:

During the development of the Shippage app, I focused on achieving industry-level interaction and visual design while prioritising a superior user experience. Collaborating closely with stakeholders and developers, our goal is to exceed user expectations and deliver an intuitive and seamless product.

Through user research, usability testing, and iterative design, I gained valuable insights into user needs and preferences, shaping the app's interface and interactions. The ongoing collaboration with stakeholders and developers has enhanced my ability to align user experience goals with technical requirements.

In addition, I am currently working with GIVVEN, applying my user experience expertise to their ERP tool. This project offers further opportunities to refine my skills and contribute to the creation of an efficient and user-friendly software solution.

Overall, the Shippage app project provided valuable learning experiences in user experience design, emphasising the importance of delivering a superior user journey. The collaboration with stakeholders and the ongoing work with GIVVEN continue to enhance my expertise in creating impactful user experiences.